Moy Park is Northern Ireland’s largest food processing company with sites throughout the UK and Europe. It is one of Europe’s leading poultry companies and manufactures a range of products which are sold through retailers, foodservice and quick-service restaurants.
Moy Park’s 15 processing, milling and hatchery sites in the UK employ over 7,000 staff members and were sending 85% of it'swaste to landfill. Through our strategic partnership, Moy Park and Biffa embarked on a plan to divert 100% of waste from landfill by 2013. To do this, Biffa has staff working full-time from Moy Park sites to ensure it achieves this ambitious goal.
Since the partnership began in April 2010, Moy Park has gone from sending 85% of its waste to landfill to diverting 90% of its waste from landfill. Within 12 months of the project commencing, six sites were already achieving zero waste to landfill. Achieving this across all sites is expected long before the target date. Biffa and Moy Park have worked together to appoint on-site ‘waste champions’ as well as Biffa staff working full time at Moy Park’s facilities. Success has been achieved by working to identify areas of potential improvement in waste practices through ongoing waste audits. Moy Park’s commitment, enthusiasm and partnership approach has been essential to achieving success.