Waste education activities
Fun activities and tools for educating children about the impact of waste and the importance of recycling.
How does waste affect the environment?
Our waste education programmes provide answers to the question: “how does waste affect the environment?” and enables people to recognise the materials that can be reused and recycled, and provide an understanding of the impact of school waste and waste production.
Did you know?
average amount of waste generated per primary school pupil
of waste is made up of food, paper and card
£250 million
cost of food waste to the education sector
Recycling activities for the classroom
We have created a number of engaging waste management tools to help you kick start educating the next generation about recycling and waste management in the classroom.
Educational workshops
We are able to offer schools and organisations educational waste workshops. These workshops cover the impact of waste on the environment and how we can reduce, reuse and recycled more materials, demonstrating that small changes that make a big difference to the future.

Biffa Bees
The Biffa Bees campaign is aimed at promoting biodiversity through the planting of wildflower habitats, which have seen a 97% decline in the UK. It’s also a great way of increasing engagement by getting local communities involved.