What is landfill’s role in waste disposal?

In recent years, we’ve downsized our landfill estate as more and more waste is either recycled or used as fuel. Now, landfill is used only as a last resort, for residual waste that can’t be recycled or repurposed as energy, compost, or any other commodity. 

A quick reality check

Let’s be clear – no waste which can be reused, recycled, or recovered should go to landfill. However, the UK will have an ongoing need for landfill to safely dispose of complex but inactive waste. Landfill capacity in UK is reducing. Analysis by Biffa and Tolvik (2017) shows that even if we reach the Government recycling rate targets there will still be a need for around 21mtpa of capacity, and replacement sites will be needed in the UK within the next 3-5 years.
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tonnes of waste handled per year
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reduction in landfill in last 20 years

Biffa support and expertise

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Open landfill sites across the UK
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Closed landfill sites in Biffa aftercare
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Safe and compliant with high environmental standards
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All types of non-recoverable waste accepted

Landfill enquiries

Learn more about our landfill sites and processes by getting in touch.