Take advantage of our complimentary, no-obligation consultation to develop your packaging and waste strategy

Our team provides expert advice on sustainable packaging best practices, drawing on Biffa's extensive expertise. We offer guidance on alternative materials, innovative packaging designs, and waste reduction strategies, tailored to your business needs.

Partner with us to simplify the legislative landscape, safeguard your brand, reduce costs, and support your journey towards net zero. Whether you need a comprehensive sustainable waste strategy or specific advice through our Packaging Surgeries, Biffa is here to help manage your sustainable waste project from start to finish.

Book your complimentary, no obligation packaging surgery

Or enquire about our subscription service.

How we work with you

We pride ourselves on providing an honest, unbiased, and independent perspective on sustainable packaging solutions.
Our approach is designed to quickly identify what is feasible and practical for your business. We collaborate with you across three key areas:

Piled up plastic bottles


As legislation evolves, we proactively work to protect your business from the rising packaging compliance costs. Our expertise ensures that you stay ahead of regulatory changes, minimising financial impact.
Man holding recycled glass


We delve into every possible format, material, and system, assessing them fairly within the context of your current infrastructure and future changes. Our goal is to find the most innovative solutions that align with your business needs.
People in discussion


We believe that any new solution must come with a commitment to ongoing education. We ensure that your colleagues and end customers are continuously updated on new developments, especially if any changes in behaviour are required.

Be more circular

We want to help your business become part of a successful circular economy by prioritising reduction, reuse, and recycling in your packaging activity over recovery or disposal. We’ve already helped several major retailers and manufacturers streamline their processes, including Greggs and Ribena.
Greggs logo
Packaging is a key part of our sustainability ambition, so it is extremely useful to work alongside Biffa on their ‘packaging surgery’ concept. We’ve already identified opportunities and options for further development by combining our internal knowledge and the recycling infrastructure experience of the Biffa team, and we see this developing into a key part of our innovation approach in the future
Paul Rhodes

Explore our other specialist solutions

Our packaging and waste strategy offer is just one of the services we provide to help your business become more sustainable.