What is Simpler Recycling legislation?

Simpler Recycling is legislation being introduced in England to reform households’ and business’ waste and recycling collections.  

It aims to increase recycling rates by: 

Sunset with text around Simpler Recycling

When is it changing and who does it affect?  

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By 31st March 2025:
English businesses and organisations with 10 or more full-time equivalent employees will need to separate recyclable materials from general waste.
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By 31st March 2026:
The new legislation rolls out to households. Local Authorities will have to provide services that allow householders to separate recyclables.

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By 31st March 2027:
Lastly, it extends to businesses with less than 10 full-time employees. At this point everyone will also need to separate plastic film, packaging, and bags.

Where can I get help?

At Biffa, we've developed simple and flexible solutions to help our customers stay compliant, minimize disruption, and maximize recycling. Plus, for many businesses these solutions will help them save money in the long run.