Full circle food and packaging solutions
We help businesses to reduce food waste and make sure leftovers are turned to good use.
A one-stop-shop for food and drink manufacturers
We can help food and drink manufacturers, and retailers to reduce food and packaging waste, increase recycling rates, and reduce emissions at each stage of the product lifecycle. Our sustainable solutions enable the circular economy and drive both commercial and social value. We can help to improve recycling rates of packaging, identify and redistribute surplus, and process leftovers or food no longer fit for human consumption to turn it into energy or compost.
Combine services to create bespoke solutions

Food waste sent to anaerobic digestion (AD) or to be composted should be a last resort and only used when food is completely inedible (e.g. it's rotten or plate scrapings). The more food surplus we redistribute the less that will need to be processed at an AD facility.
Ultimately, we want to ensure no food waste is sent for incineration at an energy from waste facility or to landfill.
Company Shop Group, part of Biffa
Company Shop Group is a subsidiary of Biffa Group. It is the UK’s leading distributor of surplus food and household products. It is at the forefront of the sustainability agenda: changing mindsets and educating industry.
Why choose Biffa?
We help reduce food waste and emissionsFood waste is the 3rd largest source of greenhouse emissions, after China and the US. We can identify and redistribute surplus food via Company Shop Group, preventing it from becoming food waste and reducing emissions. We are trusted by the UK’s top retailers, manufacturers and brands, and are BRC certified (A Grade) against the Global Standard for Food Safety (Issue 8: August 2018).
We can take the surplus others cannotWe have the capabilities to take anything from delisted and mislabelled products to damaged stock. We relabel and repack it, before redistributing it to help others. We also have approval from all major retailers to redistribute their own-label surplus products. Plus we can ensure that your products are traceable back to us using approved brand disclaiming methods.
We help families and communities with affordable foodOur Company Shop members enjoy a unique way of shopping, offering them surplus products from well-known brands at amazing prices, helping stretched budgets go further. Our Community Shop provides members with vital access to deeply discounted food, as well as life-changing learning and development programmes.
We have the scale and expertise to create tailored, fully circular solutionsWith facilities across the UK, specialists in everything from packaging to redistribution and hazardous, we can design solutions that reach across the whole product lifecycle to reduce waste and emissions. We have the capabilities to meet the needs of organisations and businesses of all shapes and sizes, creating closed loop processes that drive value for our customers.