Recycle Week: Biffa site stars in official film
As proud partners of Recycle Week (October 17-23), Britain’s leading sustainable waste and recycling firm invited the cameras into its huge ‘material recycling facility’ near Birmingham to show how people can really make a difference by getting recycling right.
Britain is a nation of recyclers – but everyday life sometimes gets in the way. It’s often easy to chuck something away without checking.
But putting the wrong things in the green bin can lead to the recycling becoming contaminated, or machinery damaged. Similarly, our big red bins are for general waste and putting the wrong things in it can lead to a range of different problems, so always check.
The film features Biffa shift leader Dhillon giving a whistle-stop tour of the Aldridge site as he lifts the lid on what can and can’t be recycled at home.
“You do realise you are making a difference,” he said. “It’s a good feeling.”
For the ultimate domestic recycling guide, visit recyclenow.com/RecycleWeek