Deposit Return Scheme
The DRS is a fundamental part of UK's efforts to move to tackle climate change and create a circular economy.
What is a Deposit Return Scheme?
Deposit return schemes are used across the world as a way of encouraging more people to recycle drinks containers, such as bottles and cans. They work by charging anyone who buys a drink a small deposit for the bottle or can that it comes in. Consumers can then get this money back when they return the bottle or can to a collection point to be recycled. Anyone who retails the materials confirmed in the scheme may have to act as a return point.
What does this mean for my business or organisation?
We understand this is a real challenge for our customers who operate a national estate in dealing with legislation changes implemented in one country of the UK before another. Scotland, who is also focusing on DRC to tackle climate change have confirmed that PET bottles, Steel and Aluminium cans and Glass drinks bottles will be included, and deposits will apply for drinks containers from 100ml to 3 litres. They have also opted for a flat 20p deposit for each container. England, NI and Wales are yet to define their scheme.
However following the recent EPR consultation release it is defined that glass will fall under EPR not DRS in England and Northern Ireland and that Glass will fall into DRS in Wales.
Online Retailer
Hospitality Retailer
Large Retailer
Small Retailer
Local AuthorityFor local authorities, the volume of drink containers will potentially impact on the volume of recycling collected at the kerbside. However, DRS cans and plastic bottles (including glass in Scotland and Wales only) that end up in household waste can be redeemed by the local authority.
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